Privacy Policy

□Privacy Policy

Bihoku Funka Kogyo Co., Ltd. (herein referred to as "our company") has determined the following privacy policy and formulated a system to ensure its protection. All employees are thoroughly educated in the importance of this privacy policy and work to ensure its protection.


Management of Personal Information

Our company maintains customers' personal information in an accurate and up to date state and employs strict safety measures for its protection. The unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration and leakage of personal information is prevented through the maintenance of this security and management system along with the thorough education of all employees.


Use of Personal Information within Specific Purpose

Customers' personal information will be utilized in e-mails and documents when contacting customers, for business related announcements and when answering questions.


Prohibition of Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our company appropriately manages customers' personal information and will not present it to a third party except in one of the following cases.


  • In the case a customer has given permission
  • In the case we present personal information to a subcontractor charged with carrying out the service requested by the customer
  • In the case the presentation of personal information is required by law


Personal Information and Safety Measures

Our company employs thoroughgoing measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.


Customer Identity Enquiry

In the case a customer should enquire about, or request the alteration or deletion of personal information, the matter will be dealt with upon confirmation of their identity.


Adherence and Reevaluation of Laws and Regulations

Our company strictly adheres to the Japanese laws and regulations pertaining to personal information and will reevaluate and improve policies where necessary.


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